Thursday, October 27, 2011

More Beijing Photos

We took the subway and a bus to get from our hotel to the Olympic Park area. Let's just say that's the last time we do that! We managed the subway, even transfering 3 times to different lines, with all the signs in Mandarin and no English speaking folks to help us. The trouble came when we decided to also hop on the local bus. End. of. story.

We saw the split pants! My question is, what happens if the baby isn't just going tee tee? What is the clean up involved in that mess? Aren't diapers a little more sanitary in that situation? hmmm...

These are the dragon boats we took to get to the other side of Kunming Lake and see the Summer Palace (which is in the background).

We saw many of these as we walked down the Longevity Corridor near the Summer Palace.

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